Curriculum Vitae

Contact details

E-mail:jsato at (Please change "at" to "@")

Academic Qualifications


Research Interest

Constitutional Law, International Human Rights Law, Australian Constitution, Human Rights in the British Commonwealth Countries, Citizenship and Nationality, Human Rights and Terrorism


Books, Theses(includes book chapter), and Translation


  1. In 2011, May, Peace and Human Rights --- from the perspective of Constitutional Law and International Human Rights Law, Kouyoushobou. (In Japanese)
  2. In 2008, April, Introduction to Public Law --- Local Autonomy Law Text, Keibundo. I edited this book and wrote Part II (Introduction to Local Autonomy Law). (In Japanese)
  3. In 2006, May, Introduction to Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law, Keibundo. This is a textbook for beginners. (In Japanese)
  4. In 2004, March, A Study on the Relationship between "the National" and "the Citizen" in Japanese Constitution, Senshu University Press. This is my doctoral these (in Japanese).


  1. In 2011, gHuman Rights Protection in Australia -- An Introductory Studyh in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 12 (In Japanese)
  2. In 2010, July, "What do the Japanese citizens think of anti-terrorism legislation in Japan and the United Kingdom from the perspective of human rights?" in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 9, pp. 81-106. (In Japanese)
  3. In 2008, November,"Judicial Review in Japan: An Overview of the Case Law and an Examination of Trends in the Japanese Supreme Court's Constitutional Oversight", Loyola of Los Angels Law Review, 2008[WINTER], No. 41-2, pp. 603-627.
  4. In 2008, June, "A Study on the "EU Reform Treaty" and "Constitutional Reform" under the New Labour Government", in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 3, pp. 75-91. (In Japanese)
  5. In 2007, October, "The right to receive an education of Japanese as second language in a multicultural symbiosis society", in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 1, pp. 1-30. (In Japanese)
  6. In 2007, February, "'Revisionfof the Fundamental Law of Education of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan from the perspective of patriotism and nationalism", in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences, No. 117, pp. 1-30. (In Japanese)
  7. In 2006, March,"A study on the Rights to Control Self-Information", in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, No. 118, pp. 1-23. (In Japanese)
  8. In 2005, March, "A Comparative Study about a concept of ediscretionf in national and international court", in: Monthly Report of Institute for Social Science of Senshu University, No. 501, pp. 28-43. (In Japanese)
  9. In 2005, February, gCitizenship and eConstitutional Reformf in the United Kingdomh, in: The Changing Constitution in the UK--"Constitutional Reform" under the New Labour Government, Keibundo, at pp. 189-211. (In Japanese)
  10. In 2004, January, "Restrictions on foreigner's rights by reason of National Security ? Human Rights Act 1998 being tested from anti-terrorism act ?", in: Monthly Report of Institute for Social Science of Senshu University, No. 487, pp. 23-45. (In Japanese)

Published Theses Outline is here.

Translation(English to Japanese)

  1. In 2011, February, gVictorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006h in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 11 (In Japanese)
  2. In 2011, February, gHuman Rights Act 2004h in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 11 (In Japanese)
  3. In 2010, July, "CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.11; General Comment No. 29; States of Emergency (Article 4)" in: Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social Sciences and Humanities, No. 9, pp. 159-175. (In Japanese)


Junichi Sato is Associate Professor of Law at College of General Education, Osaka Sangyo University. He holds degrees of Master of Laws(Senshu University) and Doctor of Laws (Senshu University) and teaches constitutional law, administrative law, environmental law, Peace Studies, and Jurisprudence. He is the author of A Study on the Relationship between "the National" and "the Citizen" in Japanese Constitution, Senshu University Press. He started his academic career as Special Researcher of Senshu University Institute for Social Science in June, 2003.@In July, 2003@he was an Assistant of Senshu University Graduate School of Law, and in April, 2004, Lecture in Law at Senshu University School of Law. In April, 2005@Assistant Professor of Law, College of General Education, Osaka Sangyo University. He has received fellowship from University of Queensland,TC Beirne School of Law,The Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law (from May 2010 to March 2011).